Alex DeVeiteo

Diplomat Title – Department Name

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Completed Training: 3.2019

Resident in: Kent, WA

Cascadian Since: 2000

Pronouns: he / him

Diplomat Bio:

Seattleite born and lifetime resident of Cascadia, Alex has both lived and traveled across Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, and has been known to wander into California and Alberta from time to time.

A graduate of Western Washington University with a major in Cultural Anthropology and a minor in Linguistics, he also completed a Museum Studies course at the University of Washington, and is a trained docent at the Museum of Flight.

In addition to the five disciplines of anthropology, Alex also has a keen interest in history, mythology, botany, technology, politics, and philosophy. When not watching anime or obsessing over all things Cascadian, this polymath and rogue scholar is an aspiring author currently at work on a series of novels ranging from low-fantasy to science fiction, naturally influenced by Cascadia and its people.

His current work with Cascadia includes documenting and writing about the Chinook Wawa trade language, documenting events in Cascadian history, and continuously refining a model constitution for a sovereign Cascadia.

Why my work with Cascadia is important:

Cascadia is my home, and growing up and traveling around much of it has given me a strong appreciation for land, and the plants, animals, and people within it. Ever since I was young, I’ve had a strong sense of justice, and have long been sympathetic to the plight of the First Nations in their struggle to maintain their unique languages, knowledge, and cultural identities.

Contact Me

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