
What are you passionate about? Get involved with the Department of Bioregion and help us grow the bioregional and Cascadian movement.What are you passionate about? Get involved with the Department of Bioregion and help us grow the bioregional and Cascadian movement.

What are you passionate about? Get involved with the Department of Bioregion and help us grow the bioregional and Cascadian movement.

Get Involved

Join hundreds of other Cascadians on our  Cascadia CoCreator Network , a horizontal organizing space driven by you.Join hundreds of other Cascadians on our  Cascadia CoCreator Network , a horizontal organizing space driven by you.

Join hundreds of other Cascadians on our Cascadia CoCreator Network, a horizontal organizing space driven by you.

Be a Member

Or are you looking for flags, passports, at cost stickers or more?  Grab your Cascadia gear here  or  join us as a sustaining member here.Or are you looking for flags, passports, at cost stickers or more?  Grab your Cascadia gear here  or  join us as a sustaining member here.

Or are you looking for flags, passports, at cost stickers or more? Grab your Cascadia gear here or join us as a sustaining member here.

We work for an independent and regenerative Cascadian bioregion as part of an interconnected world of bioregional movements.

Cascadia Illahee is the name of the land given by the people who live here and a bioregional movement to empower every person to be active about what they care about. We work to protect the things we love, grow a positive regional identity, increase the independence and autonomy of our bioregion, reverse harmful colonial mindsets and policies, and are growing a network of bioregional movements around the world.

This is Cascadia, and we are Cascadian. We hope you join us!



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