Each person can sign up for up to two Zoom calls that they might be most interested in. Dates / Times will be sent out as soon as they are confirmed. Even if you can’t make it at the specific time, feel free to sign up as part of a organizing group. Everyone who signs up will receive notes, meeting recaps and can work with each group sees fit.

Our guiding question for each participant and organizing group is “If 10,000 people joined the Cascadia movement in November, what infrastructure, resources, groups do you want to make happen that we need for a vibrant, decentralized and positive movement?”

Fill out my LGL form!

The Basics:

Organizing calls will happen each other week and be divided into a series of grassroots organizing groups each working to make Cascadia happen in a distinct and unique way.

  • Meetings open with a land recognition.

  • For calls, we will use we will be using a Zoom or some other video conference software. Each call will include a short introduction on the platform & how to use.

  • Each group determines what it will be working on, and it’s organizing structure.

  • Work will be done through shared notes on Google Drive.

  • People will be welcome to share through the Dept of Bioregion, Cascadia Underground and elsewhere.

  • Notes & Recaps will be made available to everyone signed up.

  • We want these are places for action, rather than discussion. Come armed with ideas for what you would like to see and let’s support each other to make it happen.