Interested in Cascadia & Bioregionalism?

Bioregionalism is one of the most important, least known philosophies of the 20th century, and has the power to help causes and movements around the world regardless of background, or political view by redefining how we connect to each other, and the areas we call home.

Sign up for our free resource packet and introduction video (coming soon). We also offer free in person orientations once a month.


I am interested in

Currently, the Department of Bioregion is excited to offer two workshops – a once per month free Cascadia & Bioregionalism Orientation, and our first intensive Cascadia Diplomat Training, which is a six week, once per week class that covers in details bioregionalism, bioregional movement building, mapping, Cascadia movement and history, and has individuals develop their own capstone project that they undertake upon graduation.