Foreign Affairs

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Support an International Disaster Relief Corps to serve as a rapid response and relief force around the world.

Support Interbioregional Cooperation through summits with other city and regional leaders.

The Creation of a Cascadia Emergency Corps. Whether or not these individuals would be militarized or demilitarized including along our borders and for foreign defense would be decided through the use of initiative and referendum. Reduce the defense budget in line with other countries of similar size. The main priorities of the Cascadian Defense Forces would be to assist and aid in times of emergency. The Defense Forces will also be used to aid local powers when called upon in emergencies natural and man-made to ensure the security and safety of the people of Cascadia. To also patrol the land, air, and sea to maintain the security of the country. The Cascadian Defense Forces can also be called upon in the event of search and rescue, protection of our fishery industry, official government air transportation and other essential services.

The creation of a Humanitarian Aid Bureau & Assistance Core that would act as a special force dedicated to international peacekeeping missions, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, a think tank and meeting center to research and resolve international disputes.

The establishment of embassies and consulates around the World.

The establishment of the Cascadia Diplomacy Corps, the lead arm of Cascadian diplomacy around the world.

A dialogue first policy in incidents and situations that directly involve the interests and peoples of Cascadia as long as there is no direct threat to the stability and security of the nation.

Establish an International Institute of Peace. A think tank and meeting center to research and resolve international disputes. In the event of negotiations, our states and nation will be prepared to act in mediation and advising.

As a people, address the plight of unrepresented, marginalized or unheard peoples within Cascadia, and around the World, especially those who seek independence or autonomy in the World community.

Provide humanitarian aid to those areas of the World who may need it.

Information by region

Find out about Cascadia’s activities and priorities.

The North American relationship

Learn how Canada, the United States and Mexico collaborate on addressing economic, security and environmental challenges.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Find information about Canada’s partnerships and priorities in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Learn about Canada’s partnerships and priorities for addressing the challenges and opportunities in the changing Arctic.



Find information about Canada’s partnerships and priorities in the Asia-Pacific region.


Find information about Canada’s partnerships and priorities in Europe.

Middle East and North Africa

Find information about Canada’s partnerships and priorities in the Middle East and North Africa.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Find information about Canada’s partnerships and priorities in Sub-Saharan Africa.