Dynamic, Transparent and Open Government

It is the goal of of the Department of Bioregion to establish an accountable and democratic partnership between communities within Cascadia to foster greater direct and delegative democracy among the peoples of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. We seek to harness innovation to engage with citizens to take a more active role in their government. By giving them a real voice and outlet in which to help us constructively build our society, we enable every citizen to play a key role in the governing process.


  • Increased Citizen and Community Empowerment, Participation and Representation

  • Implementation of Decentralized, Open Source and Associative Governing Models

  • A Transparent, Dynamic and Accountable Governing Body

The Cascadian Department of Bioregion conceives of a world where every person, without exception, is able to substantively participate in the governance of any facet affecting their life. We envision a governance which is not only necessarily more open, free, and democratic but also which more effectively communicates, responds and represents an innovative populace to dynamically respond to the increasing demands of a 21st century working environment. By incorporating lightweight and flexible decentralized democratic principles, this idea of collaborative governance has the potential to be a versatile tool for being the most efficient means of collective action.


or leave your feedback in the discussion area of each item

Watershed Governance

Open Governance

Crowdsourced Legislation

Gender Parity

A Pro-Democracy Movement

Decentralized Direct Democracy

Delegative Democracy

Democratic Confederalism

Liquid Feedback & Democracy

Star Voting

Proportional Voting

Transparency & Accountability

Ending Citizens United

Tribal Representation

Cascadia Bioregional Pledge

Candidates Truth Pledge

Data Driven Decision Making

End out of Region Interference in Local Elections

Mail-in ballots

End the Electoral College in US Portions of Cascadia

Capped limits for media in elections

Opt Out Voting Registration – rather than Opt In

Community Bill of Rights

Democratic Tax Allocation