Hello fellow Cascadian!

we’re glad you’re here – Here comes an update & ways to engage

Cascadia and Bioregionalism


With the urban population among Cascadian cities projected to grow 30% before 2040, it’s no surprise change is in the air. For newcomer and resident alike, Cascadia offers a vibrant environment where biodiversity and sustainability combine to organize a thriving movement and place. It is with a vision towards that growth that we founded the Department of Bioregion.

As more folx arrive daily, change is inevitable. We see the Cascadia movement as a positive opportunity for greater autonomy in a region where new ideas are already the norm. Greater independence for Cascadia means a more dynamic and decentralized democracy can develop, sustainability culture can mainstream, and our burgeoning economy can flow, not trickle, more equitably back to support the lives of those who earned it.

Get Active

Volunteers needed


Our genuinely engaging, often academic and always social volunteer opportunities include:

  1. Researching and writing Wikipedia entries.

  2. Tableing at events, fairs and festivals.

  3. Competing in a drag pageant.

  4. Dancing in parades while handing out stickers.

  5. Parsign numbers into inspiring data visualizations.


Order your Passport

become a citizen of Cascadia

Becoming a citizen of Cascadia and getting your Passport does more than get you a nifty book to treasure and show off. Citizenship opens wide the doors to fully enjoying the bioregion and all our movement has to offer.

Passport holders receive:

  • A genuine, custom to you, first edition Cascadia Passport book with 64 pages celebrating our beautiful bioregion.

  • Complimentary camping in our private 98 acre Cascadian valley paradise, located at the headlands of the North River in the beautiful Willapa Hills of Southwest Washington. Note: Advance booking required as availability and length of stay are limited.

  • Access to our Cascadian Business directory with special discounts and promotions.

Join a Class

towards Cascadia

At the Department of Bioregion, we’re committed to building our watershed movement from the grassroots up. Our monthly Towards Cascadia class focuses on getting Cascadians the necessary tools so they can reengage with their communities and start reframing the narrative away from the failing institutions of colonialism, and towards the inclusive opportunities of a bioregional movement. Reflecting a desire to encourage every citizen to take action socially, culturally and politically, the focus of the class is to inspire each student to pursue education as a pathway to action


As an ultimate goal, Cascadia, and bioregionalism, seeks to restructure the way people interact with the place they live in by organizing around mother nature’s watershed boundaries. The Cascadian Department of Bioregion uses grassroots activism, our network of diplomats and online media to call out and satirize the ineffective and increasingly toxic leadership of the Canadian and U.S. federal governments. It is our vision to remove the colonial smear of the 49th parallel and unite a free and equitable bioregion where everyone and everything can take pride in our beautiful home.

Take the next step!

Link in to our social media networks – click below