Leadership Role or Just Updates? You decide.

Calling all skilled and passionate Cascadians! If you believe in an independent bioregion, we need you to join our growing leadership teams and work groups that will begin taking action January 2020.

If you’re not ready to commit yet, that’s okay! Stay informed with department-specific updates.

What to Expect:

join your fellow Cascadians Sasquatch.PNGjoin your fellow Cascadians Sasquatch.PNG

For Leadership Team Applicants: We will reach out to chat about the Department of Bioregion, your skills, department and projects you’ll be undertaking.

Each workgroup will have 3-5 individuals forming a leadership team who manage meetings, online content, build resources and help volunteers and projects effectively take action. Each team will be capped at five individuals to start, so not every person who applies will make it. However, we look forward to working with each person to identify an area or project that they can work on regardless.

For those getting updates: You will receive a confirmation email, and after that…. nothing for a while! When the group starts to have official meetings or projects, you’ll be on that department list, and can jump in any time. You won’t be spammed with any other irrelevant material, and can put in as much as you have energy for. We’re all busy, so we value your time.

Teams and updates will be geared for being prepared and starting effectively in January of 2020.

Work Groups:

We are looking for small leadership teams of 3-5 individuals to help get these groups off the ground, and as many folks who would like to participate in them as we can find.

  • Department of Education: Create tools and resources, provide education that grow the efficacy of the Cascadia Movement, through our diplomats, members and supporters and creating easier pathways to connect people with ways to get involved. 

  • Chamber of Commerce: Connecting and supporting local businesses and organizations that represent bioregional values, and creating resources that connect groups with Cascadia, and in turn strengthen a bioregional economy. 

  • Legislative Outreach: Writing Op-Eds, contacting officials by email, phone and mail to gauge support of Cascadia Independence or autonomy, and supporting or proposing initiatives in line with bioregional principles. 

  • Public Relations: External relationships with cultural leaders, media, the Cascadia movement, and folks who have never heard of the idea. Manage the blog, website, social media and print materials. 

  • Indigenous Sovereignty: Exploring a confederation of the nations that inhabit the Cascadia bioregion, what decolonization and reconciliation look like to each, and building recommendations for pathways forward. In addition, growing access to indigenous ways of living, and providing support, mutual aid and solidarity.

In addition, we maintain two other Departments:

  • Special Projects: Designed for motivated self starters who have a special project in mind that might not fit in with our current departments.

  • Administrative: Handles the budgeting and does everything to try and help all other departments and diplomats run as smoothly as possible. 


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