North River Reserve

When we see land as a community to which we belong,

we may begin to use it with love and respect

—Aldo Leopold 1949
from The Sand County Almanac


…Reinhabiting a watershed at the river’s source

The North River Reserve is a habitat restoration site and learning space on ninety-seven acres of forest, fields and converging creeks – a bioregional gathering place for collaborative projects designed to restore salmon spawning habitat, steward the forest for future old growth and wildlife diversity, and cultivate regenerative farming practices that help to sustain the watershed.

Our mission is grounded in the land ethic of Aldo Leopold:When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” The ethic resonates through larger collective efforts to reverse, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to recover a future for next generations. We’re initiating land-based projects at the North River Reserve in response to calls for urgent and impactful climate action, but our projects grow from an understanding that the climate crisis is deeply rooted in a culture that need to be healed — and that on-site collaboration around restorative land use, learning and creative practice is a powerful source of new stories for our bioregion.


Restoring salmon spawning habitat

for bioregional resilience: a habitat restoration site

Recovering future old-growth habitat

for wildlife diversity, a collaborative learning space

Regenerating soil microbial habitat

for edible landscapes: a community seed garden ecosystem

reinhabiting a sustainable watershed

for cultural interdependence: a bioregional gathering place

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  • Mission & Vision

  • Suggested Reading

  • Habitat Restoration

  • Workshops & Events

  • Land Use Agreement

  • Safe Space Policy

  • Map & Directions