Department of Public Relations

Current Projects:

  • Department of Bioregion Website, Social Media & Blog – Manage the Department of Bioregion digital assets.

  • Style & Quality Control – Establish style guides and ensure a uniform, professional and high level of content for external consumption.

  • Communication Trainings – Working with diplomats to better navigate our digital assets.

  • Print Materials & Toolkits: Print materials and presentations that include making us more effective organizers, Cascadians and Bioregionalists.

  • Network & Outreach – Table, Outreach and Connect with individuals and groups.

  • Press Releases and Interviews – Conduct press releases, deal with issues or crisis situations around our brand identity, and conduct interviews with journalists and print media.

Mission: To effectively share the story of the Cascadia movement to the outside world, combats misiniformation, and inspires people to get involved, and that documents the amazing supporter culture and archival knowledge of our movement.

Guiding Question: How do we effectively reach out to the 15 million people living here, to our cultural leaders and creators, journalists and the media – and the rest of the world beyond that – to share Cascadia, bioregionalism and our movement – in a way that is positive and inspires them to get involved? If in 2020, 10,000 all of a sudden wanted to get involved – what resources do we need to make that happen?

The Cascadia Department of Public Relations deals with all external facing media. This includes our website, blog feeds, social media, digital resources, handling interviews and reaching out with journalists and the press, training diplomats to be effective communicators, table and talk about Cascadia, and collaborating with other departments to ensure a unified and professional appearance for all Department of Bioregion materials.

Each department and project has a senior leadership team who works to make sure that everyone within the work group has the tools and resources they need to be effective at their goal.

the Department of Indigenous Sovereignty Serves to:

  • Be a hub for projects and diplomats working around a specific cause or issue and work together with other embassies and departments as part of larger campaigns. Be a regional hub for supporting Diplomats, Projects and members for that issue.

  • Connect with cultural and community leaders, as well as journalists in each area to grow Cascadia and our movement in a positive light and manner.

  • Create and maintain a directory of sympathetic press contacts.

  • Create resources and maximize impact of organization wide or bioregional campaigns and initiaves undertaken by the Department of Bioregion and our diplomats.

  • Create trainings and resources for our diplomats and supporters to more effectively communicate about Cascadia, bioregionalism, our movement and how people can be involved.

  • Have regular meetings, that are in person and accessible remotely.

  • Provide regular blog posts and create an archive of activities, projects.

  • Connect department events, reportbacks, updates and activities with our website and social media.