The Cascadia CoCreator Network is an intentional social network where we can focus on giving each other tools and information to confront the largest issues facing our Planet. It is a horizontal organizing platform to share, connect and strengthen the Cascadia movement and the amazing diversity of movements bettering better our bioregion.

It has been so awesome to see so many people connecting with the Cascadia CoCreator so quickly. It has the ability for every person to share what’s important for them, create a group where they can host their own links, topics and events, and connect with others who might be just as passionate as they are. Ultimately it’s a platform where everyone can also host their own courses, and so much more.

Support the CoCreator Network

Fill out my LGL form!

To get the full features our network subscription and to keep it free for everyone to keep using it, it costs about $120 a month, and so we’re looking for 25 people willing to pitch in $5 a month.

Anyone who pitches in at a $10 or more level will also receive a flag, passport, stickers, and copies of our quarterly Bioregional Spoke movement review.



The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is an informal, grassroots community organization powered by supporters. We are not incorporated in any way, we receive no grants, or support from any current businesses or corporations.