
2019 Cascadia Convergence Performer & Workshop Submissions are Open!

July 5-7, 2019 

Submissions are Open!

Cascadia Convergence.jpgCascadia Convergence.jpg

Now accepting applications for workshops, presenters and bands.

Cascadia Convergence has announced their submissions for workshops, presentations and performers is now open! They are looking for Cascadians who want to be involved in making the event awesome. Do you have a musical or performance act, a workshop you want to give? Just want to volunteer or take on a leadership role? Let them know!

Apply here.

Or check out their website for more information here

Deadline to apply is May 30th and we will release the line up the first week of June. No worries if you miss the deadline, there will be an open mic as well!

Cascadia Convergence is a space for Cascadians to come together to share, learn, connect, and celebrate, and the rest is up to you! What do you have to share with your fellow Cascadians, how can we build a stronger, more just bioregion together? Why is learning about bioregionalism important? How can we best connect with each other and our beautiful space on this planet? What are the best ways to celebrate our love of Cascadia?

If you haven’t heard about Cascadia Convergence before, you can learn more here, or from their website:

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