Cascadia Must Send a Delegation the U.N. Climate Summit

Cascadia, a bioregion with 16 million people and the world’s 9th largest economy must represent itself by leading a delegation to next week’s annual international climate summit known as COP25 in Madrid, Spain. ...

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Using A Social Justice Lens to Examine Our Work in the Department of Bioregion

The purpose of this lens is to provide a framework to guide what we do as Diplomats within the Department of Bioregion. Whether the work is posting a blog, creating a project, or leading a round table discussion, it is vital that we are examining that work with a social…...

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Your Guide for Dougsgiving, November 28th

The Department of Bioregion lists easy steps to make any family gathering or meal a bioregional one. During this time of year, we want to celebrate what our bioregion gives us, the wonderful people living here in a seasonal and sustainable way....

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New North American Watershed Maps are here!

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is excited to announce that our brand new North American Watershed maps are here. These maps are beautiful, full color prints that are an educational tools to help us shift our thinking from national borders to bioregional ones....

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De-colonizing Cascadia through Indigenous Storytelling

Native American stories give us the opportunity to create deeper meaning and connection, both with each other and with the world in which we live. Now is the time to build a new narrative for the future through the communication of this ancient knowledge....

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Diplomatic Corps Newsletter – November 2019

Our November 2019 Diplomatic Corps Newsletter highlights our invitation for leaders, introduces Wesley D. Irwin as a new diplomat, presents the five departments we are organizing around and highlights changes to our website....

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New Cascadia Membership Designs Are Here!

We love Cascadia, believe in bioregionalism as a philosophy to save our region and planet, and are tired of the craziness and insanity that has become commonplace in our world today. We want to be able to directly impact the issues that we care about, and so those living on…...

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Your Chinook Wawa Word of the Day: Burdash

BURDASH [BUR-dash] or [BAR-dash] — noun. Meaning: Hermaphrodite; intersex; neuter; genderless. Origin: Canadian French berdache > Italian bardassa > entering European languages via Moorish Spain from Arabic bardaj, “slave” > Persian bardah, “prisoner”. In Chinook Wawa, the word burdash was commonly used to refer to accidental or incidental hermaphroditism or…...

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Tsalxhaan – At the Northern border of Cascadia

In a continuation of our Native Placenames series we present Tsalxhaan. This mountain at the norther boundry of the Cascadian bioregion between Alaska and British Columbia represents one of the most dramatic peak faces in the world as it raises to 5,325 feet (4671 meters) a mere 13 miles (20…...

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Team Cascadia partners with Western Washington Premier League to build future team.

With the goal of growing Team Cascadia at home, and a mission to take “The Dougs” global, the Cascadia Association Football Federation has entered a Partnership with the Western Washington Premier League....

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