
How are you celebrating Cascadia Day? – Callout for Cascadia Day Actions/Activities

Greetings fellow Cascadians!   

The Department of Bioregion very much looks forward to Cascadia Day, and our planned celebrations in Seattle. We know that Cascadians across the bioregion will be celebrating or taking part in protests and political actions to mark the holiday, move us closer together as fellow citizens, or move us further away from those toxic forces that would oppress us. Whatever your activity, we would love to hear about it! 

How are you celebrating Cascadia Day, May 18th?

If you are hosting a BBQ, offering a discount at your business, hosting a banner drop, flag waving, or sharing music with friends and neighbors, let us know so we can connect you with others near you wishing to observe this bioregional holiday. 

Complete this form and help inspire others!

And make sure to tag #CascadiaDay #CascadiaBioregion #Cascadia
and @deptofbioregion @cascadiabioregion

Cascadia Nails.jpgCascadia Nails.jpg





Address or Meeting Spot


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