
Washington State Working to Become the Largest Electrified Ferry Fleet in the World

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is preparing the way to become the world’s largest electrified and hybrid ferry fleet....

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Cascadia is Leading the Fight for Non-Binary Rights

Outside of Cascadia, there are only a handful of places that legally recognize non-binary persons, yet Cascadia has been at the forefront of non-binary rights since the issue fist emerged. Here’s the current state of (and a short history of) non-binary recognition in Cascadia....

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2019 Cascadia Convergence: Event Recap

The 2019 Cascadia Convergence took place July 5-7th at the North River Reserve in Brooklyn Washington, and was a wonderful time for Cascadians to come together to connect, share and learn. This year saw vendors from around the region, a 30 foot yurt being raised as a future classroom, and…...

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Every year Bellingham hosts the Cascadia International Women’s Film Festival, an event dedicated to showcasing the exceptional work of women directors from around the world. The festival, starting April 11 and running through the weekend,  is screening approximately 25 films over the course of the 3 1/2-day festival, and also…...

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British Columbia Will Fund Next Phase of Cascadia High Speed Rail

The British Columbia Premiere John Hogan met with Washington State Governor Jay Inslee to announce they will contribute $300,000 for the next phase of a study exploring the potential of ultra-high-speed Cascadia corridor transportation service linking British Columbia, Washington and Oregon....

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A Growing Cascadian Identity – British Columbians Identify more with Washingtonians than their Canadian Neighbors

A newly released study shows that British Columbians feel a stronger Cascadian affinity to the south than with their eastern Canadian counterparts. In total - 54 percent of British Columbians felt they had the most in common with Washington state, 18 percent picked California while just 15 per cent chose…...

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Legislation Introduced for Cascadia High Speed Rail Authority

Washington State Democrats introduced new bill 5214 that would create and fund a Cascadia high speed rail authority. The bill would provide $3.25 million dollar through 2021 to establish an authority in partnership with the State of Oregon and Province of British Columbia....

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Cascadia Subduction Zone Tremors: 36,377 in 2018

In 2018, the Cascadia Subduction Zone saw 36,377 Episodic Thrusts & Slips (ETS). These tremors are different from earthquakes, which are generally more sudden, and that of other, shallower faults, which can be generated from the pressure buildup of magma sitting under Cascadia’s many volcanoes along the Pacific Ring of…...

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