
2019 Cascadia Convergence: Event Recap

The 2019 Cascadia Convergence took place July 5-7th at the North River Reserve in Brooklyn Washington, and was a wonderful time for Cascadians to come together to connect, share and learn. This year saw vendors from around the region, a 30 foot yurt being raised as a future classroom, and discussions by Free Cascadia, Your Cascadia, the Department of Bioregion, Olympia Ecotopians, and Seattle CascadiaNow on creating a centralized backbone for coordinating ideas, resources and events. The Department of Bioregion also provided the Cascadia Bus to help get everything down there.

It was a week of camping, planning, creation and fun. For those not familiar, the annual Cascadia Convergence is a space for Cascadians to come together to share, learn, connect, and celebrate, and the rest is up to you! What do you have to share with your fellow Cascadians, how can we build a stronger, more just bioregion together? Why is learning about bioregionalism important? How can we best connect with each other and our beautiful space on this planet? What are the best ways to celebrate our love of Cascadia?

The event is free or by suggested donation, and everyone is welcome. If you missed it this year, make sure to hook in next year, or join Camp Cascadia to come and hook in anytime this summer.

At Cascadia Convergence, we hope everyone interested in the idea of Cascadia can meet face to face, have a great time camping, and go home energized to act/live bioregionally. Each year, this awesome, fun filled, family-friendly weekend features art, music, presentations and workshops. We bring together a variety of different interests and groups so a range of Cascadian perspectives are represented. We focus on bringing people together, organizing and planning, and building community.

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