
Cascadia Culture Week Resource Kit

Klahowya Tillikum fellow Cascadians!

Cascadia Culture week is May 17th – May 26th this year. With it comes an opportunity to educate and celebrate our beautiful bioregion. We hope each of you join us in celebrating Cascadia Culture Week, the time before and after Cascadia Day each year in which we celebrate the incredible diversity and culture that make this region so wonderful.

Below you will find some simple digital assets that any person, business, group or community can use to create a display and tabling kit, as well person assets. Please use these to set up a display, or take it upon yourself to share with friends, or to local museums, businesses, educators, libraries, politicians, journalists, bookstores or anyone else you think could benefit. Please fell free to adapt and alter to your hearts content.

We’d also love if you forwarded this on to any relevant lists or newsletters.


Culture Week | Cascadia Day | Ways to Celebrate | Resource Kit | Be a Member

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