
Cascadia Explained: What if Cascadia Was a Country?

Ever heard of Cascadia? Ever wondered what it would look like on the world stage as its own country? A new Yotube Video by KhAnubis! explores these questions.

While the video is a bit basic, uses fairly outdated figures (from 2014 or earlier) and glosses over much of the bioregionalism or other elements of the movement, it provides a fairly good, quick, middle of the road overview of Cascadia, even if it remains a bit dismissive.

KhAnubis is a weekly educational channel here on YouTube, hosted by Willie “KhAnubis” Rates, covering a whole host of different aspects of different subjects, like the videos my stick-figure self mentioned.

MUSIC: “The Wild West” by Ross Bugden

You can see the whole video on YouTube at:

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