
Join a Cascadia Work Group

We are excited to announce that we are creating several work groups from our Envision Cascadia Conference, and would love to invite you to join us. We had more than 150 people register for 8 different sessions that took place over 2 weeks in which people gathered to explore how…...

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#Cascadia trending after #WestCoastPact announced by governors

After Washington, Oregon, and California governors announced the launch of a Western States Pact in the face of a federal government unwilling to act on COVID-19 relief, #Cascadia , #Calexit and #Secession quickly began trending on twitter and other social media platforms....

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4 Ways Cascadians Can Respond Bioregionally to COVID-19

As the COVID-19 outbreak disrupts nearly every aspect of our daily lives, Cascadians should double-down on bioregionalism to better support our impacted communities and mitigate health risks. What Does Bioregionalism Have to do with COVID-19? Bioregionalism is a philosophy and lifestyle which promotes personal and community well-being by using naturally…...

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Your Guide for Dougsgiving, November 28th

The Department of Bioregion lists easy steps to make any family gathering or meal a bioregional one. During this time of year, we want to celebrate what our bioregion gives us, the wonderful people living here in a seasonal and sustainable way....

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New fundraiser for Forests for Climate Resilience this Saturday in Portland, Oregon.

Join Forests for Climate Resilience and Forest Defenders for a gathering of #Forest Folk, Saturday in Portland, Oregon. The night will feature music, forest updates and movement news!...

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Coming Home: A New Map Telling a New Story of this Place

This thursday, at Seattle University, Cascadia bioregionalist David McCloskey of the Cascadia Institute and early designer of the Cascadia map discusses his new map: The Ish-River-Lillooet Country and the Salish Sea....

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Organizing Bioregionally: By Daniel Christian Wahl

The Department of Bioregion is excited to share this essay on organizing bioregionally from Daniel Christian Wahl, author of Designing Regenerative Cultures and teacher of the online course Design for Sustainability....

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Why is Bioregionalism Important?

It’s a question that for many Cascadians is a no-brainer. Taking care of where we live not only feels good, but it’s vital to our survival. We know this. We know about climate change, deforestation, fossil fuels, and other serious and real dangers to our planet, but how can this…...

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Bioregional Essays: Bioregional Centres – Donella Meadows’ Vision for Deep Local Change

The Department of Bioregion is excited to share an essay version of a letter read to the Leverage Points conference plenary on Friday, February 8th 2019 in Lueneburg, Germany by Isabel Carlisle and edited by Liz Clarke who help run the Bioregional Centre in South Devon, the United Kingdom....

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Case Study: Introducing the Bioregional Learning Centre in South Devon, United Kingdom

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is excited to share this case study featuring the Bioregional Learning Centre located in the South Devon bioregion in the United Kingdom and explore how this group of passionate artists, academics and organizers has adapted bioregional organizing strategies to their watersheds....

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