Front page

Native Names – Kulshan (Mt. Baker)

Third in a series of posts celebrating the Native Names of Cascade peaks, this post feature Kulshan or Mount Baker and features a poster of this the youngest of the volcanos in the range. ...

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The Department of Bioregion is proud to partner with the University of Washington StatCom Program

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is excited to announce our partnership with the student run StatCom program at the University of Washington. StatCom is a student-run volunteer organization that provides statistical consulting services to community and governmental groups....

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Cascadia Culture Week Resource Kit

Cascadia Culture week is May 17th - May 26th this year. With it comes an opportunity to educate and celebrate our beautiful bioregion. We hope each of you join us in celebrating Cascadia Culture Week, the time before and after Cascadia Day each year in which we celebrate the incredible…...

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5 Easy Ways to Celebrate Culture Week

Every year we celebrate the amazing and distinct culture that makes our region so special. Here are five simple ways to celebrate Cascadia Culture Week near you!...

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Welcome to Cascadia Culture Week!

Cascadia Culture week happens every year the week before and after Cascadia Day. We invite every Cascadian to join with us and celebrate the wonderful and unique culture that makes the Pacific Northwest of North America so special, and to use it as a time to reflect and share with…...

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Seeking a Social Media Intern!

Cascadia Department of Bioregion is seeking a social media intern! Cascadians, cultural provocateurs, change agents… people who want to add ‘secession movement’ or grow a small rebellion to their resume - people who type type type on a computer a lot. Join us!...

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Cascadia Quest: An Epic Adventure for the Pacific Northwest

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is excited to share Cascadia Quest, an under construction computer game set in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest, currently in development by Seattle based Ice Fall Games. Slated for release in 2020, it follows the spirit of classic graphic adventure games....

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First Cascadia Home Match Announced Against Darfur United, July 27th 2019 in Kent, WA

Team Cascadia are set to play their first ever home game against Darfur United in Kent, WA on July 27th, 2019....

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Diplomat Introduction: Jay T. Conrad

Jay T. Conrad, a genderqueer DIY artist, photographer and videographer, has joined the Dept of Bioregion as Seasquatch of Communications. We’re excited to have Jay join our team of passionate bioregionalists! Learn more about them in introductory interview....

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Cascadia Magazine Presents Defining Cascadia Panel Discussion: Crossing borders to improve ecology, economy, and the arts in the Pacific Northwest

For Cascadia Culture Week - Cascadia Magazine and UpZones Podcast present a public panel discussion about thinking beyond borders in Cascadia...

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